Page 51 - Microsoft Word - user mannual jithesh modified 09.docx
P. 51
University Suite 2014 • select the scale of pay. The scale of pay comes corresponding to that employee’s designation and scale of pay we have already fixed in the pay scale master. • If the employee is under contract then we have to enter their consolidated pay • Enter basic pay,grade pay,special pay,NPA,DA and DRA.If we have already set DA and HRA for that scale type then tick both as default.Otherwise we can enter the DA and HRA amount for that employee • Designation of the selected employee will be seen in the designation field. • We can enter the employee’s last pay change date,next increment date,bank with branch name,IFSC code and A/C No. • Click Submit button for saving the salary basic details. • Then a Deduction list will be displayed. • Add the Deductions from the select box (for eg: I Tax,LIC,SWF,GPF etc) for the corresponding employee.The deduction items list will be displayed below. Figure 16: Loan Details Page 51