Page 172 - Microsoft Word - user mannual jithesh modified 09.docx
P. 172
University Suite 2014 Service • Through this menu we can add Service details of each faculty. • There are two sections “service details”, “Transfer & posting details” .When we add new faculty his/her service and posting details must be add properly. • Mandatory fields (*) must be enter before submission. Figure4: Add Service details of Faculty • Servicedetails: - Select an employee then fill corresponding details (such as employee category, service category, PF type, parent department details). • Transfer & posting details: - Select an employee name from the top select box. Add posting details(Enter all mandatory fields such as department,designation,type of appointment ,placement date, nature of work, No of days working in a week).After adding that details show in the “Service History” List .if any faculty leave from the college ,then must be edit the posting details .For editing Click “edit link image”, when we click on edit link image two extra fields shows in the posting details section. Page 172
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